Why I (Mostly) Travel Solo (Part 2)
When I started drafting a post explaining how I came to adopt solo travels, I never expected to have THAT MUCH to write… so I thought that I would break it in 2 parts, to make it an easier read! ►►►
When I started drafting a post explaining how I came to adopt solo travels, I never expected to have THAT MUCH to write… so I thought that I would break it in 2 parts, to make it an easier read! ►►►
As humans, we have this natural, overwhelming need of labeling things… and people. So I recently started wondering about what label (s) I carry, as a blogger. ►►►
(C) 2013-2019 The Plus-Size Backpacker / La Backpackeuse taille plus (Edith Bernier) *** This website is non-transactional and cannot be used to conclude a purchase. / Ce site est non transactionnel et aucun achat ne peut y être effectué.