6 Years of Plus-Size Backpacking!
The Plus-Size Backpacker will celebrate its 6th birthday this month! So I decided to check back on the very first post I wrote… ►►►
The Plus-Size Backpacker will celebrate its 6th birthday this month! So I decided to check back on the very first post I wrote… ►►►
With the “popularization” of feminism that followed #MeToo, are we losing one of the essential components of the advocacy of women’s rights? ►►►
From their tender age, big girls are the nicest. Society also sends them the message that they also have to be nicer than everyone else. And that, even when no one else has to be kind… they (still) do. ►►►
In the past year or so, many women at the forefront of the fat acceptance movement opted for bariatric surgery and/or major weight-loss. More recently, Roxane Gay, feminist and body activist author I admire, went under the knife to get the weight-loss surgery. ►►►
Since December 2017 that I repeat that I will write a blog post on French author Gabrielle Deydier’s slap-in-the-face-book, “On ne naît pas grosse” (“One Isn’t Born Fat”). Well, here it is, finally! ►►►
Fat-shaming is one of the buzzwords in the plus-size / fat-acceptance / size-positive blogosphere. Because it’s an everyday reality of the big folk’s universe. ►►►
(C) 2013-2019 The Plus-Size Backpacker / La Backpackeuse taille plus (Edith Bernier) *** This website is non-transactional and cannot be used to conclude a purchase. / Ce site est non transactionnel et aucun achat ne peut y être effectué.