Fat Girls Are The Nicest.
From their tender age, big girls are the nicest. Society also sends them the message that they also have to be nicer than everyone else. And that, even when no one else has to be kind… they (still) do. ►►►
From their tender age, big girls are the nicest. Society also sends them the message that they also have to be nicer than everyone else. And that, even when no one else has to be kind… they (still) do. ►►►
until quite recently, Canada had nothing to envy to France when it comes to how they treat their fat people. Plus-size people in France have it quite hard. Not easy to be a fatty in the Camembert country! ►►►
After reading an article on “inspiring plus-size models from Montreal”, in a newspaper, last February, I noticed that we still have a looong way to go to reach “fat tolerance”. ►►►
Following my recent post about brands selling plus-size clothing without actually SHOWING the clothes, I did get some “answers”. Or maybe I should call that “replies” because in all cases, not much is actually answered. Or maybe I should call that “replies” because in all cases, not much is actually answered. ►►►
Many retailers have decided to get on board and offer plus-size items in their collection. Great news. What is not so great, is that we get shown the same regular sized model with the regular sized clothing on. ►►►
Back in September, as I was backpacking through Southern Peru, I received an email from Sportive Plus, asking me if I wanted to take part to the filming of a 4-clip campaign that would be launched before the holidays. ►►►
Last week was the 10-month anniversary of the launch of my e-book… It inspired me to have a look back at the road traveled since… Many questions… but not so many answers. ►►►
Sunday morning, not so long ago. I’m sipping a London Fog coffee and scrolling down my Facebook, checking what my friends are up to – new babies, funny pets, silly kids and the latest of Jimmy Fallon viral sketches – when I stumble upon a video that was shared on one of my friend’s wall. ►►►
(C) 2013-2019 The Plus-Size Backpacker / La Backpackeuse taille plus (Edith Bernier) *** This website is non-transactional and cannot be used to conclude a purchase. / Ce site est non transactionnel et aucun achat ne peut y être effectué.