On Traveling Without My Husband
Many people I met since I started traveling asked me why am I traveling without my husband. There are many reasons actually. ►►►
Many people I met since I started traveling asked me why am I traveling without my husband. There are many reasons actually. ►►►
From fun to safety, there is a handful of things to know when you arrive in a new place. If you spend only a short time in a given location, don’t waste your time… Ask the ho(s)tel staff! ►►►
Before going any further: yes, free walking tours (sometimes named simply “free tours”) are REALLY free. For a backpacker, these free walking tours are numerous gifts wrapped in a single “package”… ►►►
Posting a new Travel Top 10 is always so exciting for me! In these posts, I feel like I’m getting to the core of what made me a backpacker, and every time, I sincerely hope I get to convince at least one of you to come to the (travel) light side. ►►►
When I started drafting a post explaining how I came to adopt solo travels, I never expected to have THAT MUCH to write… so I thought that I would break it in 2 parts, to make it an easier read! ►►►
I recently realized that I never really discussed this topic at length, and it’s not for lacking inspiration or questions about it. So by popular demand, here is why I travel solo and why it’s accessible to everyone. ►►►
I previously mentioned this gadget in a post about 1 year ago, but I thought this could be worth it to write a bit more about it as this is, by far, one of the smallest, yet most useful gizmo I carry when I’m away… You know, the good old Traveler’s What If Syndrom… ►►►
As backpackers, we tend to carry the minimum; any stolen items can become a major setback.That’s when the PacSafe Backpack Protector comes into play. ►►►
For many reasons, but mostly to be more fit to be able to do some trekking and hiking on my upcoming travels, I decided to start working out, mostly focusing on cardio-vascular exercises routine. ►►►
Lots of people think it’s not safe to be a female solo traveler. I disagree. It can be just as safe if you use your brain and you develop basic security habits… What I call my “3 Musketeers” are the three gadgets that keep me and my belonging safe when I backpack my way across a new city or a whole new country… ►►►
(C) 2013-2019 The Plus-Size Backpacker / La Backpackeuse taille plus (Edith Bernier) *** This website is non-transactional and cannot be used to conclude a purchase. / Ce site est non transactionnel et aucun achat ne peut y être effectué.